All homes are made to appear that bit better when they have newly made windows fitted. If you want to refresh the exterior of your home, then there is no better way than by fitting new fenestration units including updated window frames. The biggest decision you will need to make when it comes to the look of new windows is which material will be used for their frames, whether or not you choose to paint them. Single and double glazed windows are available across the country in the following materials. Read on, to discover which will be best for your home.
UPVC Frames
This is a highly versatile material that many double glazing manufacturers will offer as their standard product. Although UPVC is a relatively low-cost option with a uniform look, you should not rule it out simply because it might be the cheapest material. UPVC looks good on day one of its installation and will continue to offer an excellent finish for many years to come, no matter how much sun it is exposed to. What's more, UPVC is easy to maintain. All you need to do is to wipe down frames made from it with a soapy sponge every few months to keep it look as good as new. Remember that white UPVC frames are the norm, but some window makers will offer UPVC in other colour variants, such as grey and brown, if you prefer.
Wooden Frames
Ideal for older or historic buildings, wooden frames make for a classic look that more modern materials simply cannot match. In contemporary buildings, they are not particularly effective from a purely visual point-of-view. Having said that, wooden frames are usually high-quality and have a luxurious feel when you open and close your windows. They need to be maintained. Regular attention to the paintwork of a wooden frame is required to keep it in mint condition. Bear in mind that they tend to be more expensive than other window frames, too.
Aluminium Frames
Great when fitted to both older and newer buildings, aluminium frames have been used by architects since the 1930s. Ideal for double glazed patio doors, French doors and bi-folding doors, they are a good choice for windows, too. They are tough and their strength means that your window and door frames are unlikely to be forced open once installed. Aluminium-framed windows can mean that heat escapes from your home in winter, so ensure you buy insulated ones which help to overcome this issue.
Share14 May 2018
When I decided to become a freelance designer, I decided I would work from home. I was sick and tired of being in an office all day and to be honest, some of my workmates were pretty annoying. However, I did not consider that I might have to make some changes to my home in order to make it suitable. On the first day of my new life working from home, I realised I would need much more natural light, so I had new windows installed. I then realised that I would need a larger work table to work on my cut out designs. In the end, I made hundreds of changes and I learnt an awful lot about home improvement.